SOG: The End Of The Stream

So i was watching the 7 day charity stream on SomeOrdinaryGamers channel, he and his friends were playing Lazerbeam Jesus: The Game, when all of the sudden the chat became filled with Funnymouth emoticons, everywhere, even the moderators were doing it, and then Mutahar came back and his face was replaced with a piece of paper with Funnymouth drawn on it, and then all of the jesus statues came to life and the penises rained from the heavens, all of the mouths were filled as funnymouth became the end of the stream, all of a sudden, my penis was covered in the Kappa face, i screamed as Mutahar came out from my computer like that one bitch from the ring, and he whipped out his Keyboard penis, he proceded to type the word shrek over and over as slenderman appeared and penised the ass of my laptop, making it explodddwdeddeff